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Category tools

17 Best Call Tracking Software Apps

You wouldn’t run a paid ads campaign without having the analytics capabilities in place to understand which ads are actually driving results for your business. Even SEO and content marketing are quantifiable in that you can track visitor actions to better understand the performance of your different strategies. Yet, despite this focus on metrics and …

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The Best 17 Meeting Scheduling Apps

So much to do, so little time. At least it feels that way. We all have the same 24 hours available to us each day, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The difference between feeling calm, cool, and collected about your day versus frazzled, unprepared, and rushed often comes down to time management and scheduling. …

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21 Best Free Live Chat Software

Live chat is big right now – and the numbers behind its adoption prove why. Recent research from Kayako, which surveyed more than 400 consumers and 100 businesses, found that: Consumers are more likely to remain loyal, engage in positive word of mouth, and spend up to $500 extra per month with businesses that provide effortless live …

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