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Entries Written Sujan Patel

Sales Automation Software: What It Is and How to Use It

What do salespeople want more than anything? The ability to read minds? A phone that always bypasses the gatekeepers and goes straight to the decision-makers? Matthew McConaughey’s character in Wolf of Wall Street as a mentor? Wrong – turns out it’s pretty simple. Their two biggest priorities are to: Close more deals Improve sales funnel …

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How to Identify, Track and Report on Sales Metrics

How to Identify, Track and Report on Sales Metrics

A solid sales reporting strategy is essential to any organization. Those who don’t set goals and regularly report on progress and results will – without a doubt – be missing opportunities to boost leads, conversions and revenue. To put this into context, imagine that you’re planning to run a marathon. You probably wouldn’t enter a …

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How to Hire Your First Two Salespeople

Sales managers often bemoan the Pareto principle. Also known as the “law of the vital few”, its applications are wide-ranging, but in the context of sales it suggests that 20% of salespeople make 80% of sales. It might not be literally accurate for every organization, but it’s broadly true. That’s because the top performers keep …

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