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Entries Written Sujan Patel

5 Channels You Can Use to Generate Leads for Free

Few companies have unlimited money and time. When that’s the case, you have to get creative when it comes to generating leads. Leads are the life source of any growing company. It doesn’t matter how ambitious your plan to scale is if you can’t maintain that momentum with a steady stream of quality leads. Sure, …

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Sales Reporting Best Practices

A solid sales reporting strategy is essential to any organization. Those who don’t set goals and regularly report on progress and results will – without a doubt – be missing opportunities to boost leads and conversions, and to maximize revenue. To put this into context, imagine that you’re trying to lose weight or get fit. …

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How to Use the AIDA Model in Sales Emails

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. It’s a marketing model based on the stages consumers go through when making a purchasing decision. Attention – The consumer becomes aware of the product. Interest – They learn something about the product that piques their interest. Desire – They start to think seriously about buying that …

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